Accessible and Accommodating Legal Counsel

Legal Solutions Tailored to Each Client’s Unique Needs

Areas of Practice

Estate Planning

Our firm uses a combination of curated estate planning tools to provide our clients with a comprehensive and easy to understand plan moving forward. Either though wills, trusts, or a combination of the two, our firm provides peace of mind in the preparation of your plan to provide for your friends and family.

Landlord Tenant Law

Principal Attorney Cole Downey specializes in navigating complex local statutes designed to provide protections to tenants. Our firm specializes in both assisting tenant’s in enforcing their legal protections, as well as providing landlord’s with legal counsel for navigating these laws.

Personal Injury

Adjacent to many property and business disputes is the unfortunate physical harm that may result. We work hard to identify the direct results of such actions, and ensure clients are compensated fairly for any harm they may have incurred.

Our Mission Statement

Downey Law Practice LLC was founded with the goal of not only providing our clients with honest and reliable legal counsel, but also educating them on the modern solutions to both new and old legal issues.

Flexible, responsive, and experienced, our firm has worked to create a library of resources available to our clients in order to clarify difficult legal issues. We look forward to counseling you on your legal matters.

We are here to help.

Seeking legal help does not need to be difficult. We approach each issue with an education midset, which always starts with a conversation. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about our available services.